Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Giving the Cat the Cold Shoulder

For months now, Livia has been a much better pet. She has slept through the night without bothering us, she has been playful and affectionate and just very low maintenance and sweet. On Saturday however, she reminded us of why we named her Livia in the first place. In fact, I have been reading Robert Graves' I'Claudius for book club and discovering just how duplicitous and untrustworthy the historical Livia really was. So I can say that on Saturday her behavior was true Livian nature. She started out so sweet rubbing her head against my cheek, purring all the while and when I called to CornyT to look at our adorable little head snoggle she suddenly reared back and boom, bit me under the eye. CornyT was furious. I was stunned and disappointed. She didn't break the skin but it did smart a little bit and of course my trust and affection were injured more. For the last 4 days, we have essentially been ignoring her. At first, we just let her in to eat but we are gradually letting her in the house for longer. CornyT was certainly angrier about it than me. I felt guilty, like I must have done something to upset her. But then I came to my senses and realized she is just a cat doing her cat thing. I am convinced that I am much better suited to be a dog owner. I am way too hands on for cats. They are overwhelmed by my constant attention and petting. I remember as a kid our friends' kittens would always run from me and I would spend half my time trying to fish some terrified cat out from under a bed or from behind a sofa. Not a lot has changed, down deep I am still that exuberant 7 year old who just wants to pet the kitty! However, my 32 year old self is going to have to learn to be a little more cautious around her now.

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