Friday, September 29, 2006

Book Club and other readsV

Book club went well last night. I was really relieved that I was able to get out of the office in plenty of time to give the house a good sprucing up and to get the frozen party food in the oven. The turnout was a little small. Only three other women but the conversation was still lively and fun and fortunately everyone LOVED the book. Unfortunately we didn't talk about the book itself that much which was a little too bad because I Claudius has a lot of interesting aspects to it; the narrative structure, the greedy and insidious characters of Livia, Tiberious, Sejanus, and Caligula, and the debauched and corrupt government. Oh well, I am really glad I read it and I am planning on reading the follow up book, Claudius the God very soon. Also, I highly recommend the book to anyone who is interested in Roman history it is surprisingly a very entertaining and easy read. Because the topic is kind of academic in nature I thought it would be deep and a little arduous but it is a lot like an ancient version of the Sopranos.
Next month's book is the much shorter "One Writer's Beginning" by Eudora Welty. At only 114 pages it feels almost like cheating since the majority of our books have been well over 300 pages this year. It will give me a chance to finish the Philip K Dick novel I am reading and the whole other stack of novels I have sitting on my bedside table. Also, one of our members has just had a baby so I am sure she will appreciate the shorter book as well. I am looking forward to the book not onl for it's brevity but because I have never read anything by the witty southern writer before and I hear her non-fiction and short stories are inspiring.

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