Thursday, September 28, 2006

I am back

I have had that last post halfway drafted since Monday but have not had a chance to finish it because I have been buried by work. On Friday we got a request for a proposal that was due Tuesday. So, we have been working practically around the clock to get it finished. I thought we were free and clear Tuesday at noon but yesterday they sent a counter offer so we had to spend another 12 hours redrafting the original proposal. Phew I am tired. Although, as sick as this is going to sound, I really got a kick out digging down and doing some serious writing, it was kind of fun. It wasn't fun though to miss my friend's birthday party on Monday though. And it wasn't any easier when CornyT and the gang kept calling to see when I would be done before 9:30 or if I could take a break and run over for an hour or so. The answer to all of those questions was unfortunately no and I didn't end up leaving until 1:00 AM that night. ugh. Luckily the final proposal has now been sent off which is just in time because I have to host book club tonight. I am looking forward to book club because I loved the book, I, Claudius, but I am worried that I will be too tired to articulate anything very interesting to say about the book. I also have 60 more pages of the book left so I am going to try to cram them in at lunch today. Well I better get back to work. More posts to come soon.

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