Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Bye Bye Booger Cat, Kim Jong Ill and Pol Pot

For the last six months we have tried a string of names on the cat but nothing has stuck. She came with a name, Booger. Although, we both agree most times it is a suitable name, I just hate saying it. Yuck. Initially I wanted to call her Mariah or Whitney because she is such a little diva but it really didn't fit. Then we tried out a string of small dictators. First, Napoleon but it was too masculine, then Kim Jong Ill. We enjoyed that one. We particularly liked saying "Kim Jong Ill is drinking out of the toilet again." But Kim Jong Ill just doesn't roll off the tongue so it didn't stick. Then we tried Pol Pot. We thought we could shorten it to Pollie but after a couple of days we just reverted back to calling her kitty or on some days bitch cakes. Then about a week ago we came up with Livia. This is it, I am sure. Livia fits everything we were looking for in a cat name. It is literary so we can do something with the 5 English degrees we have between the both of us and it is a good pop-cultural reference so we don't see too pretentious and it fits her perfectly. Like both namesakes she can be a biatch who knows when to purr when she needs too.

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