Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Flower Garden

This Saturday the weather was beautiful unlike last weekend or right now for that matter. So, after a morning of scouring garage sales for yard tools, I spent the rest of the day putting in a flower garden around our mailbox. Initially, there was a large bush growing around the mailbox. Mike never liked it much and when it started to look a little droopy and sick with no hope of recovery we dug it out. This is the first flower bed I have ever put in and I think it may be too many flowers in one place and may be a lot of work but it was a lot of fun to plant everything. Now I have to put more mulch around them and make sure they thrive in their new little home.
We are also in the process of sanding and varnishing the mailbox post. Thank goodness for electric sander. After only a few short hours of work we are almost done and ready to put a couple coats of varnish. The whole bed will look so much better when the monkey grass grows around the edges. At least I am told they should grow out and you should plant them at least 2 feet apart from eachother. I am constantly winging it with this whole gardening thing. Hopefully, at least some fo the flowers will grow.

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