Today, I find myself feeling very sad and frustrated about the ephemera of life. All the cliche's are right it really is too short. At the same time, this feelilng gives me an even stronger sense of gratitude for the gifts that are all my friends and family and the little things, like a strong cup of coffee, a good conversation, a bite of dark chocolate etc...
What is a little thing you are grateful for? Post in the comments.While I was taking a break I found this poem that although is not perfect sums up a lot of what I am feeling today. Enjoy.
(PS in an effort to be an organized blog...expect more daily themes to make an appearance here:)
A Man In His Life
A man doesn't have time in his life
to have time for everything.
He doesn't have seasons enough to have
a season for every purpose. Ecclesiastes
Was wrong about that.
A man needs to love and to hate at the same moment,
to laugh and cry with the same eyes,
with the same hands to throw stones and to gather them,
to make love in war and war in love.
And to hate and forgive and remember and forget,
to arrange and confuse, to eat and to digest
what history
takes years and years to do.
A man doesn't have time.
When he loses he seeks, when he finds
he forgets, when he forgets he loves, when he loves
he begins to forget.
And his soul is seasoned, his soul
is very professional.
Only his body remains forever
an amateur. It tries and it misses,
gets muddled, doesn't learn a thing,
drunk and blind in its pleasures
and its pains.
He will die as figs die in autumn,
Shriveled and full of himself and sweet,
the leaves growing dry on the ground,
the bare branches pointing to the place
where there's time for everything.
Yehuda Amichai