Saturday, October 14, 2006

Dinner Party

Last night CornyT and I hosted a dinner party here at the house for a few of our friends including CornyT's former professor. We had been meaning to invite Debra (CT's prof) to see the new house for a long time and we finally got around to it. The kitchen really seemed small with CornyT and I both trying to cook in it. Actually, I find cooking in that kitchen easier by myself but it was nice to only have to make a couple dishes. I made a roast pork which turned out to be a little too dry and I told every one too, Chinese broccoli, and peach bombs for dessert. The Peach bombs were fairly successful and a good dish to make for Diabetic guests. Take 4 peaches, wrap them each in about half of a deep dish pie crust and bake at about 350 for 45. You can serve drizzled with powdered sugar like I did (for non-diabetics) and I bet they would also be really good with vanilla ice cream. CornyT made a Chinese noodle dish, wonton appetizers, and we bought a premade roast duck - yum yum. Overall, I think it was fairly successful. We had a nice time chatting after the meal and I really enjoyed having a house full of people. That being said though I am kind of looking forward to the rest of the weekend Twin Peaks and Prison Break. A perfect thing to do on a overcast weekend day.

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