Tuesday, October 31, 2006

I am a crazy person

I volunteered this weekend to foster 2 5-week-old Chow puppies for 3 weeks and surprise, surprise they're a lot of work. I love watching and being with them but phew they take a lot of energy. They only sleep about 5 hours a night, which isn't bad but could be better. Work is so kind to let me work from home in the afternoons so I can let them out of the crate after the long morning. Their names are Kia (tan girl) and Mazda (black/grey boy). The shelter woman got a kick out of naming the whole litter after cars. Some of theirlitter mates include Datsun, Nissan, and Mercedes.

So far, they have impressed me with their ability to pick up paper-training but I wish they would enjoy being in their crate more. Every time I put them in they scream bloody murder but slowly I am showing them that going in the crate is not always a bad thing. Right now I feel so bad for not being with them. They are probably miserable. I better get back to work but check back for puppy updates.

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