Thursday, October 05, 2006

Lost Premiere

Last night was the Lost season premiere and we decided to get off of our couch and really honor the sensation that has swept the nation. And how did we do that you ask? By driving 20 minutes across down to sit on someone else's couch to watch it and play a drinking game:). A drinking game? Yeah I know I have been out of college for over 7 years but I just took little sips on my wine every time Sawyer or Jack got in a fight. Actually having funny things to look for during the show made it even more fun to watch. What was really hysterical is that the first drinking game rule is to drink if the show starts with a close-up of someone's eye and sure enough the first shot was someone's big ole eye. I never noticed they frequently started episodes like that but I guess they do. Also, I should clarify that when I said "we decided" it really was more like I decided and convinced CornyT to come along with me to my coworker's apartment. I think all and all he had a good time and it was good for us to meet some new people. Although, we probably stayed about a half hour to long and he was starting to get a little tired. It was a work night and 10:30 is a little late. My coworker and his friends are a good 5 to 10 years younger than us but they are really sweet and I think we have a lot in common, being avid TV fans being the biggest commonality. Overall, the Lost episode was just ok. I am sure a lot of people disagree with me but other than the revelation of the others living in a suburban type community replete with book clubs and sprinkler systems I don't feel like they really showed us anything new or interesting about the characters. That being said I am still going to watch it although I think I will let CornyT record it so we can fast forward through all the commercials next time.

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