Monday, August 28, 2006


This weekend felt jam packed with activity but as I think about it we didn't really do too much. I started Saturday by talking to Mame and going to the shelter. After the shelter, we ran some errands and stopped for lunch at a local crepe place we had been wanting to try. The crepes were good, very small and very expensive. Although that wasn't by far the worse part. What was even worse was that the "restaurant" is really just an air stream trailer with a few bistro tables for diners out front. This is very charming and cute in October or in Seatlle. However, in Austin in August, especially this dry, apocalyptic version of August, it is just plain mean. After I recovered from heat stroke, we spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning up for an evening of pizza and movie watching with friends. I have to tell you how sweet these friends are, not only did they bring a bottle of wine over (that I drank a lot of- very yummy Beaujalais (sp?)) they also hauled a mattress we bought from Costco over in their truck for us. What great friends huh? We are so excited to have a Queen size bed and to get such an amazing deal. Less than 500 for both a Sealy mattress and box springs. And even better, now any of you who come to visit me have a place to lay your weary heads! The only drawback is it didn't come with a frame and unbeknowest to me those are really hard to get at a reasonable price. The mattress stores, in my opinion, obsecenly over charge for them and no where else seems to carry them. So, I have done what every person with a laptop and need for crap not ebay, but close. I went to Craigslist and begged for a bed frame. So far I have gotten a couple of offers. In fact, right now I am waiting for someone to buy the old loveseats we had in the apartment. They are ratty and I am shocked someone is willing to pay even 25 bucks for them. But hey, I 'll take the cash - hell I'd pay them to get them out of the house but I like this arrangement better.
Anyway, Sunday was a lot of fun too because we went over to a friends for a waffle brunch - yum yum. The whole occasion for the brunch was to try the homemade maple syrup that one of our friends brought back from his uncle's grove in up-state New York. Very tasty stuff. So light and flavorful. Mmm Mrs. Butterworth's is forever ruined.

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