Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Vacation is over

Finally, we are back from our Christmas tour. We were only gone for a week and a half but it felt a lot longer. We started in northern New Mexico, stopped over in South Dakota, and ended the whole thing in a rented beach house in Port Aranssas with two other couples celebrating 2007. Phew that was fun. Today it was back to work, no more idling away the days. The one good thing about being back was that traffic was so much better. Thank God the holiday season is over. The highlights of the holiday were definitely skiing in Taos and playing the new Nintendo Wii at a relatives house. Who would think that a video game could be as physically exerting as skiing. What a blast though- finally I was able to actually volley in tennis and bowl over 200! Luckily we had secure arm straps. I would felt terrible if I had taken someone's eye out. I think I am going to quit my job and join the pro-bowling circuit. What a great blog that would be - my experiences as a pro-Wii bowler.


Nikki Neurotic said...

It's nice to have you back.

Josh said...

Welcome back! Happy New Year!