Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Golden in My Home

Today, I scheduled my home visit with the golden retriever rescue group. This is the 2nd step in the application process. The first was the phone interview screen, which went very well. Now they will come to the house, and confirm that I have a fenced yard and I guess look like I am responsible enough to adopt a sweet little golden. The evaluator will also bring two of her own dogs to the house to show me how to properly groom a golden and to give Livia more exposure to dogs. I think the home outings I have been doing with the shelter dogs is also helping her get a little used to dogs. She is not going to love it when I get a dog, I know but I am hoping she will just learn to tolerate him and all will live in peace. I have read everything I can find about how to properly introduce them and I am hoping that will help ensure a successful transition. Oh and did I mention that one of the evaluator's dogs is a 4 month old puppy! I can't wait to see the little pupsterooni!

1 comment:

Josh said...

Hey, take care & have a good weekend.