Friday, February 09, 2007

Guilty Pleasure

The other morning I awoke and felt the same as any other day, but something had profoundly changed. I am not sure how it happened but I had found myself hooked on American Idol. I have always had a mild interest in the talent show that has stolen America's heart but for some reason this year I am a "we-have-to-record-it-and-I-can't-be-interrupted-while-it-is-on" hooked. Maybe it was all the heart wrenching auditions this year like the older man who fought to get an audition to give his dying wife hope or the 16 year-old, "crack baby" who sang her heart out or maybe it was the really attractive back up singer who wanted to get on Idol to validate his singing career. Whatever it was, I am hooked and I can't wait to watch the upcoming Hollywood auditions!

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