Sunday, December 17, 2006

It's Done

Finally, I thought it would never happen but my Christmas shopping is officially finito! Well... kind of I still have to get my grandpa a small gift and get CornyT's present but we always get our presents after the holidays because it is just cheaper and easier. For some reason I was really stressing about Christmas shopping this year. Maybe it was because everything that was going on, getting a new job etc but I just didn't have the energy to look for gifts. In fact, I think I spent more time thinking about how much I didn't want to go shopping than I spent actually shopping. Lots of misspent energy. I think some people have a gift for effortlessly finding the perfect gift and I unfortunately was not bestowed with such a gift. The only thing I hate to shop for more than Christmas presents are souvenirs when I am on a vacation. I can never find the right thing and I always feel so ripped off. but enough whining. The shopping is done and I can enjoy the rest of the season. Mmm bring on the Christmas dinners and treats. Thats my favorite part of the season. The eating!!


Josh said...

Ha! I know exactly what you mean. I'm finished too!

Nikki Neurotic said...

My dad wants me to go shopping for my mom, and of course he waited for the last minute to let me know what he wants to get her...

Anonymous said...

Stop the Christmas stress, think of the really holiday....the day after Christmas shopping!!!

Crashdummie said...

Yey, good for you... now to the gift opening *hehehe*

Cheers, & Merry Christmas