Sunday, January 21, 2007


Right now I am sitting in a coffee shop with the sun beating down on me and I am comtemplating changing into shorts. Hard to believe it is this warm after we spent almost an entire week holed up in the house. On this sunny, warm day we should have been out working in the yard or taking a walk but instead we saw a movie. Silly I know but we have wanted to see Pan's Labyrinth for a while- you might remember from the last post when I whined about the movie being sold out that was the one we were trying to see. Anyway, we finally got there early enough to get in (this show was also sold out) and we both really enjoyed it. It's a little dark and definitely not a children's movie (violent!) but well made and worth seeing on the big screen.
Yesterday, it was more like winter and was a very drizzly and cold dog walking day. Not of course as wet as last week, none of the runs were flooded this time but rainy enough to make field walking a real bummer. I took most of the dogs to the auditorium and let them run around chasing stuffed animals and tennis balls. My favorite time of the day was watching a huge Rottweiler named Bishop chase a cuddly, white teddy bear around the auditorium. He would toss it across the room and scamper after it. Very cute. Kind of like watching a line backer play with kittens:).


Josh said...

This weather has been crazy, hasn't it? I almost wore shorts yesterday too.

Nikki Neurotic said...

We've has "shorts" weather nearly all summer, and now it's finally gotten cold and snowy and I don't like it one bit!

Nikki Neurotic said...

Can I have some of that spring weather...please?!!