Monday, November 20, 2006


After 5 weeks of fairly intense dog training classes, I am now permitted to work with more challenging dogs or in Humane Society speak am a "Blue BRATT." On Saturday morning we had our last class replete with a graded skills test. The skills test made me a little nervous. I didn't practice between classes as much as I should have and I was so worried I would bomb it. They reassured us that we could not fail but I was still sure I would do poorly. I decided to approach it like another learning experience and not be afraid to ask questions if I had to. However, much to my surprise I retained almost all the commands and dog development stages we learned. The only comment my reviewer had was that I needed to be more confident. Well, I am certainly a lot more confident now that I know I know my stuff. Also it helped that the dog I tested with, Wizard, was a brainiac and did all the commands correctly. He made me look good. In all the class taught me hand commands for sit, down, watch, and taught me how to train a dog not to pull on the leash, walk nicely by my side, and get used to me pulling on his/her collar. The nice thing about the class was I also made friends with my fellow volunteers and felt even more involved with the shelter. I love that shelter. They are so fantastic to the volunteers and amazing to the animals. I can't wait till my next shift.


Josh said...

Congrats! Hey, what's the command for "Don't poop in the neighbor's front yard!"?

Maybe you could teach my neighbor's dog that one.

Angie said...

ha ha I didn't learn that in this class but I will ask:).