Sunday, June 25, 2006

Sonic Youth

On Friday, CornyT and I saw Sonic Youth at Stubbs BBQ, a restaurant and outdoor amplitheatre. When I saw the tickets for such a reasonable price I was so excited and I didn't think about the show being at an outside stage mid-JUNE. OH boy was it hot. The music was great but I was so hot I barely felt like moving or yelling. And the heat really wouldn't have been that bad if you weren't elbow-to-elbow with a ton of other sweaty. squirmy people. Yuck. You could tell the heat was getting to both CornyT and I because we kept moving to different parts of the theatre to get away from annoying people. Our favorite was some guy who kept screaming "Chapel Hill!" For the rest of the night CT whispered Chapel Hill to me, cracking me up every time.

Kim Gordon however (one of the lead singers) didn't let the heat get here down. She danced and sang like crazy. She was a lot of fun to watch and really gave the show a lot of energy. I am glad I saw them live but I think I will wait until fall before I go to another outdoor show in Austin.

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