Saturday, June 10, 2006

Crafty Gals Night

On Wednesday, I had about 8 ladies over for an evening of crafts and chatting. A few months ago, I spent an evening making mosiac coasters at a girlfriend;s house and thought it was so fun I wanted to do it again. So, when I decided I wanted to have a little party to get to know some of my neighbors and other ladies I have meant recently I thought I would throw a mosaic making party as a way of breaking the ice. The one thing I didn't know when I sent out the invitations was that craft stores don't sell pre-made plaster coasters for mosaics. No, they sell the plaster and the molds of course but you have to make them yourself. Luckily, I realized this on Sunday and the party was on Wednesday so I had plenty of time to make the forms and let them dry. Also, this new-fangled plaster that dries in the microwave also saved time and I was able to get about 20 coasters done by WEd night. Overall, I think the night was a resounding success. Everyone seemed to have a nice little coaster to take home with them and the conversation was lively and constant. I think I am going to throw another of these craft parties but I will do a slightly tidier craft next time. There were a lot dirty hands and muck on the table (luckily I put down paper). The same friend who inspired the coaster making told me she has all the materials to make wine charms. Wouldn't that be fun? Cute, practical, quick and there probably won't be any lines to the sink to wash the gunk off your hands. Oh and I imagine craft stores sell wire and charms that I won't have to forge myself:).

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