Monday, November 28, 2005


You know you are a pathetic nerd when you are counting the hours at work until you can get home and continue reading the new Harry Potter book. That is what I was doing all day today; 6 more hourst till Potter, 4 more hourse to Potter, 2 1/2 more hours till Potter..... The times I wasn't fantasizing about running off and curling up with the tome, I was piping up over my cube wall asking people if they had read the book, seen the new movie, thought Harry should date Ginny and yes just being annoying to all my hard working coworkers. Yes, I know this enthusiasm is a little late. I am aware the book came out in July but until now I just wasn't really that excited about this new edition of the young wizards adventures. First, I was waiting for a sibling of mine to finish it and send it to me so I quelled my excitement and patiently waited for her to finish. Well that took a while and Mike couldn't wait and bought it as soon as he saw it used somewhere and read it in a weekend. He was obviously very excited about it but his excitement just wasn't contagious enough- it is so big and there are so many chores to do and the last one was SO boring I kept telling myself. But as the leisurely holiday weekend approached I decided I would tear myself from the weed pulling and grouting to devote a few hours to this onerous and surely somniferous task of reading the last book. Oh I also forgot to mention that about 2 months ago sadly some wiseguy in my office gave away a big plot point so I felt even less disinclined to read the book. But oh my I am so sorry I waited, this one is so fun- just like chewy, sweet taffy for my gray matter. I love it! So with that being said I am going to wrap up this silly blog post and get back to what I really want to do- find out what Slughorn's Christmas party is like. Happy Reading!!

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