Sunday, November 20, 2005

Beware the Fish

Last night, Mike and I had dinner with some friends at a local bar and grill. Our friends, Shannon and Lacy, have a 2 1/2 year old so they chose this place because of it's kid friendly reputation. When she told us the address and name, I thought she must have been misinformed the word Tavern was in the name but sure enough there was a play scape in the back and all the toy trucks and buckets a little boy could play with. We had a great time catching up with our friends, watching their little boy frolick in the play area and just generally enjoying the brisk yet comfortable November evening. Where things go very, very wrong is when I order the fried fish sandwich. We didn't have a lot of menus on the table, so I took a cursory glance at the menu, made a quick decision between the fish sandwich and a chicken salad and passed the menu on to my friend. Now I know, when in doubt, go with the chicken salad. The trouble started in the car when I began to regret having two tap beers. I normaly have a sensitive stomach anyway, so I avoid dairy, red meat, fried foods and beer but occasionally I feel a little too self-confident in my digestion and order whatever I want. Well, thankfully what went on last night does not happen everytime I have dairy or fried food or I would be lying in a fetal position whimpering for my Mamma for the rest of my life. Of course, I will spare you the gorey details because I would like you guys to return to my blog but I just have to say that I commiserate with anyone who has had salmonella or e.coli, that was absolutely miserable. I have had nightmare hangovers and stomach flus that were like a fun filled day at an amusement park compared to this! However, I can't say for certain I had food poisoning or even if it was the fish but stomach flus don't usually hit that suddenly. I feel a little better now but I can tell that whatever microbe found its way to my gut last night is just starting to clean up after the wild party. The worst thing about feeling that miserable is you can't really do much but think about how miserable you are...I couldn't read, watch tv, or crochet. All I could do was roll around the bed and moan. So pathetic. Poor Mike. Poor you guys, for reading this;). Well I promise my next entry will have a lot less stomach distress! Have a great Thanksgiving...ugh food:(. Miss and love you all.

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