Sunday, November 27, 2005

Wig Night

Well, this Saturday was much better than last. Mike and I went out for wig night and karoake with a friend of ours and group of her friends from graduate school.At first I was pretty resistant to spending money on something as frivolous as a wig but we ran into the the wig night friend while we were shopping and her enthusiasm was pretty contagious. I cheaped out and bought a really cheap, purple, mylar wig (aluminum ribbons) and Mike got a bargain afro- that is what it really said on the tag- "dark brown, bargain afro". He looked so cute and dangerous in the wig especially with his stubble. Everyone looked so cute in their colorful wigs that I really regretted buying such a cheap, ugly wig. Then one of my friends pulled out an adorable, pink bob wig that she brought in case someone didn't have a wig. So voila I looked like a crazy muppet all night but it was very fun. After we had drinks we all went to Austin karaoke for a karoake extravaganza. When I was told we were going to sing karoake, I assumed we would go to some bar and sing with everyone was else in the bar. However, this karoake was a little different. Instead of a bar we went to a place called Austin Karaoke which looked a lot like a hotel with a series of long hallways and about 12 rooms in the whole place. Each room had a wall of televisions hooked up to a karaoke machine. There was no alcohol but you could bring in as much as you like and you could bring food in as well. Needless to say it was so much fun because you didn't feel silly about making a fool out of yourself and you could sing along and dance as much you wanted. The highlight of the night was when all of us sang along to Bohemian Rhapsody at top volume. I highly recommend going to a private karoake club, it is so fun to sing like crazy all night . I imagine this is how they do karoake in Asia where it is a huge past time. I can't wait till the next time we go out for karaoke.

PS if anyone wants to see Mike in an afro wig or a couple very scary pictures of me in a pink wig, email me. I don't want to post the pictures here cause they are... well kind of embarassing.

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