Tuesday, December 13, 2005

The couch that almost was

Who would think that buying a couch would be such an onerous task. It would seem really simple; shop around, sit on some sofas, pick one, purchase, and plop in front of new armoire. But NOOOOOOOOOO it is much more difficult than that. In the past four months I have learned there are a lot of ugly couches for sale and I am tired of looking at them. Before the reality of sofa shopping sunk in, I dreamt longingly for the day when I could afford a plush, comfy, new sofa. I often imagined myself lounging, in a luxurious cushy cushion with the lights low, a bowl of pop-corn and Mike and I bathed in the blue light of some fun movie. Now that the day has come that I have saved and set aside some furniture money I am finding nothing I like. Before xmas I actually bought a coch at Lacks. I went in on a Saturday bright and early bought it and then ruminated all day that I had made the wrong choice. Right before closing I slipped in a cancelled my order. Poor sales guy. But I just couldn't commit to a couch I wasn't sure was going to be that perfect, luxurious, movie watching sofa. So the hunt is back on- 2006 the year of the sofa! Wish me luck!

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