Saturday, July 16, 2005

Birthday Weekend

This weekend is officialy dedicated to eating a lot of fancy food, drinking a lot, hanging out with friends, and doing NO cleaning! OK it isn't really that different from most weekends but Friday was my birthday and Sunday is Mike's so we have a good excuse for all that sloth and debauchery. Well I consider eating chocolate cake three times a day debauchery and that is what I am doing:)! Yesterday, was a great day more for what I got done than for what I didn't do. I got up early, worked out, got things done at work, had a nice lunch with a friend and found a GREAT sale at JC Penney. Yes, I am so pathetic, the sale made my day. After my shopping spree we went to a nice dinner with friends and drank a ton of champagne. Champagne is so yummy and I think I am going to have champagne every birthday. It is a good birthday drink. One of my friends bought me a bouquet of purple gladiolas. They are a long stem, kind of heavy flower and holding them I felt like I won a beauty pageant or Nascar race!
Tonight, we are having drinks with friends and I am looking forward to just a relaxing evening of chatting and enjoy this unusually, comfortable weather. Have a wonderful weekend everyone and I will try to write more soon.

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