Sunday, May 27, 2007

Swimfest 2007

I have finally attached some pictures of our new dog Grady. It is hard to believe we have had him 6 weeks already. Every day life with Grady just gets more and more fun. Last Saturday I took him to the rescue groups semi-annualy swim fest at a farm out side of town. The thirty or more Gold Retrievers in attendance frolicked in the creek while their human companions ate breakfast tacos and fruit salad while discussing their dog rearing experiences with other Golden owners. Grady was in heaven bounding around where ever he wanted off leash and I was also pretty content watching all the cute Golden heads bob up and down in the water. Although, none of those head's were ever Grady's. He was much more comfortable chasing other dogs on the dry ground than diving into that scary, wet pond. I am not sure he had ever seen open water before. He certainly didn't act like he knew what to do with it. It was fine for putting your feet in but going in farther was not a good idea. I also think this was the first time he had ever been around a horse. He barked hysterically at them when we passed a couple on the road. When a couple came near our little gathering all the dogs went nuts and chased after them (of course). The owner of the farm told us to call our dogs and I shouted a little panicky for Grady not seeing him anywhere. I felt a dog by my legs but there were a dozen around me. After a coulple more yells I look down and realize he's been right there by me the whole time:). What a good dog. In fact, he was by my side most of the picnic- like my little pal, people and dog watching with me. Right now he is chomping on a bone by my feet while I write this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for you and Grady. What a handsome dog. Yup, you are finding the secret of the Golden's. They just want to be with you, doing what you're doing and making you happy.
