Monday, February 20, 2006

Our President's Day Weekend

This weekend has been both relaxing and busy and now, unfortunately, almost over. We don't get a lot of random day's off like President's day or Columbus day in the private sector. So when we do it is very exciting to me. So I thought I would tell all you about the high lights. Saturday I reunited with my old hairstylist, Mark. He always did a fantastic job but when I bought the house I felt like his trendy, chic salon, Wet, was too spendy for a new homeowner. Also, I was getting tired of the same old bob. So I found a new girl who was $15 cheaper and gave a fabulous head massage. However, after two high maintenance haircuts and a surprise raise in rates that made her just as expensive as Mark, I decided to sheepishly go back to him. I did insist on NO bobs this time around and I now have a nice layer cut.
After the haircut, I spent the entire afternoon grading papers at the Green Muse. Luckily, the weather was drizzly and cold all weekend so being stuck inside wasn't as bad as it could have been. After paper grading we met some friends at the Alamo Drafthouse for the Sinus, Flashdance show. Sinus Theatre is an improv comedy troupe that tells jokes over old, usually bad movies, a la Mystery Science Theatre 3000. This was my first time seeing Flashdance and boy am I glad I had waited this long. What a stinker. Thankfully, the jokes were hilarious and a couple of our friends dressed up in oversized sweatshirts, headbands, leg warmers, and feathered hair. The funniest thing about the the movie was the ridiculous dancing. Apparently Jennifer Beals could not dance and in the final big number three different people are her dance double: a professional dancer, an acrobat, and a 16 year old, Spanish boy named Crazy Legs who break dances.
Sunday we decided to try what one of our friends calls the best eating experience in Austin; The Sunday brunch at San de Fon Miguel. Our friend was not exaggerating the meal was the most amazing buffet you could imagine. The chicken moles and salads were bursting with flavor but they had nothing on the corn souflle. Every mouthful was like a rumba on my tongue- mmmm mmm yum! The other benefit to the meal was that Mike and I didn't have to eat for the rest of the day it was that filling.
The best day of the weekend was Sunday, it was like my dream day. We started it out with that great meal, went home and cuddled up all afternoon reading while it rained outside, and then went to a friend's for dinner that night. All my favorite things: good food, books, and friends. Ahh so nice. Monday, on the other hand not such a dream day but I got of class work done.
Hope you all had nice weekends.

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